
The Unichem Solutions blog page was created to provide you with general and technical information about the sector. You can send us your thoughts and questions.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019 / Published in Chem
General Properties of Acids and Bases

Acids and bases are two important groups of compounds in chemistry. It is useful to know the structure, properties, benefits and harms of these substances. Firstly we will define them;

Friday, 29 March 2019 / Published in Production Plants
Olive Oil Production Process

One of the important foods in the field of agriculture is olive. Olives can be consumed in the form of both as well as using various processes as oil can use. It has a positive effect on our health for Olive oil is completely herbal. So how do the olives we collect from bough come in your table as oil? Here we examine these processes together.

Friday, 18 January 2019 / Published in Chem
Unichem Solutions Background

ADR (European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) is a directive that ensures safe and orderly transport of dangerous substances without causing harm to human health and the environment. This directive also sets out the responsibilities, obligations and working conditions of the operators and drivers of all kinds of vehicles carrying transporters, buyers, fillers, freighters, unloaders, packers, transporters and other dangerous goods.The documents and certificates received within the scope of this regulation are called ADR.

Thursday, 10 January 2019 / Published in Chem
What Is Hazard

There are many definitions for hazard but the most common definition when talking about workplace health and safety is “A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.”

Types of Chemical Hazards: While the defining hazardous chemicals , consider these six basic types of chemical hazards:

Monday, 07 January 2019 / Published in Chem
Unichem Solutions Background

CAS Registry Number (CASRN, CAS) is a numerical code given to all chemicals by “Chemical Abstracts Service”. It hosts over 200 million data in the current database. Approximately 50,000 data per week are included in the system.

In the past, chemicals, geography, according to the names of different techniques were known. Since an international standard was not used, there could be occasional confusions and disruptions in trade. Thanks to the CAS Registry Number, such problems have disappeared.


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